Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Juggler

Here we go! Tis the season to try to do too much as we spread ourselves thin, juggling our time and energy.

In an oversized watercolor, I have tried to
demonstrate the distortions we put ourselves through trying to accomodate the needs of other people and handling too many commitments.

So look upon her as she tries to balance more than she can handle.
And have compassion for the way she twists and turns, unknowingly distorting herself in the process.

Perhaps there is something we can learn from her...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Captive

Trying to please
as she is pulled in many directions.
She becomes entrapped.
Sometimes self-imposed restrictions.
Often not.
Yet trapped by the invisible
chain of expectations.
4' X 3'
painted in 1996

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Signs of Fall

Such an amazing flower!
Sometimes it can take your breath away.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Time to put away all parts
of one's day, reconciling disappointments and regrets.
Let go, be free of conflicts as the
sky deepens in color.
Now is the time to turn inward,
after all the outward movement
of the day.
Welcome the silence and open
your heart to the blessings of rest.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You Get What You Get!

Life gives you
whatever experience
is most helpful
for the evolution of your consciousness.
This latest 2-page spread in my book of positive aspects will be viewed better by placing the cursor on the image and clicking it to a larger format.


Leave it to a flower
to remind us
to open up to life
in order to receive
its powerful energy
and blessings!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Seeking Refuge

There is a resting place,
a starting place that you can always return to.
Bring your mind back home
and rest right here, right now,
in present,
unbiased awareness.
Your true essence.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Walk Confidently

Initially inspired by a quote from Thoreau, this 2 page spread evolved with some help from my daughter, Nora.
She drew the female figure for me and added her special touch of personality.
I painted the background with acrylic. One edge is finished off with ribbon and fabric.
This art journal is almost completed! I'll need to get another used book to mess with soon!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Empowered Heart

The title says it all.
Done with acrylic on a board prepared with Gesso.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Stevie Ray Vaughan

Working from images off of his last CD, In Step, I painted this piece using only black and white tones in acrylic.
I love the music and passionate guitar playing of this man. I was devastated when he was killed in my home state of Wisconsin after completing a concert there at Alpine Valley, August, 1990.
This is my tribute to him.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blast from the Past!

This is an oil pastel I did back in my Art Academy days. Two models came to Bill Shield's Beyond Reality class and they posed together. From the drawings I completed that day, I then used oil pastels to create this rather Egyptian-looking piece.
This is truly a blast from the past.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Heart of the Matter

I am so visually oriented.
This 2 page spread is a reminder to use my heart
to see clearly
instead of relying on outward appearances.
This will lead me
to the heart of the matter.

Journal pages: art paper, acrylic wash,
fabric, embellishments and found images.

portrait of girl:
Mati Rose McDonough

Saturday, July 3, 2010

And so it goes...

It is important for me
to remember that art
is more about the process
than the
finished product.

My book of positive aspects

Concealed within these pages
are my intentions
to live in an open
and positive manner.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Looking for Trouble!

Here he is. The flower-eating cat!
And yes, I had a rose in a vase on the table which he is planning to attack.
We call him Mucci ( moochy).

Tulips Unfolding

Well, you may have noticed that I love flowers and use them frequently in my paintings and photos. I can't seem to get enough because I am never able to have fresh flowers in my home. My cat eats them! Actually devours them! Shreds them to bits! Such a bummer. So I resort to art and that way I have them in my life at some capacity.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Through the eyes of a child

I painted this watercolor a while ago when I was striving to go into children's book illustration. It was fun to imagine a viewpoint from the angle of a small creature, under mushrooms and leafy plants. I also love swirls and I often integrate them into my art work.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fear not the Journey

Moving through a painful experience,
it is easier to harden and close one's heart
than it is to open up to the pain.
Yet allowing the experience into our hearts,
no matter how uncomfortable it is,
gives us a chance to deepen and transform ourselves.

It takes courage to make way for our own fears
and become compassionate with ourselves.
I give my support and love to all of you who are opening your hearts to the journey.

Freedom of Choice

With some awareness,
we can really decide what to think about.
We just have to be able to notice what that voice in our head is saying.
Then we can decide to silence that thought,
guide it to a better place or
create a brand new thought.
Choose carefully!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fingers in the Sky

A tree without foliage.
A desolate thing?

Only to those who don't know how to see
the beauty
in such a moment
of discovery.

When hiking on a rocky path, remember to look up occasionally or much will be missed.

A Time To Treasure

Hiking with my daughter and going on a photo shoot at Effie Yeaw Nature Center.
What a treat to be able to enjoy her company as we work creatively together.

This is a time to treasure!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Garden

Using found images,
acrylic paint for the background
and lace


To encourage myself to give
my worries over ...

to let go of grasping for answers

to trust

Friday, June 18, 2010

look carefully
zipping through your day
you might miss
a bit of magic
tread carefully
mindful of each step
taking in a simple pleasure
under your feet

so purple
calming delightful
lets my eyes rest

who said this was easy?

feeling foolish...brand new to this blogging thing

stumbling on the start up

don't judge any of this


high hopes for the future

more to come