Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's been a while since my last post.  Well, school started and I was all consumed with getting my classroom in order, etc.  But I did manage to illustrate a CD cover for the women's choral group that I sing with, Chanteuses.  We recorded our last Christmas concert music in January of 2012 and we will sell this CD at our upcoming performances this Christmas.  It was done with watercolor.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fertile Ground

I decided to depart from my usual mode of working on a double page spread inside my art journal for this Quote and image.  After painting with acrylics and adding fabric, I mounted the smaller canvas board onto a larger framed canvas which I painted also with acrylics.  Even though I was tempted to apply store bought lettering, I chose to paint the letters on to keep this piece more personal, so it's not perfect. Even though you can not see it, I painted the edges that wrap around all sides of the canvas so it looks cool hanging on the wall = )

Thursday, July 26, 2012

These pages came about on the last day of a Gratitude Journaling class I took this summer.  I wanted to keep it simple and flowing.  These people have helped me grow from the inside out and it felt good giving them a place in my journal.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Beyond The Sea

While taking an on-line watercolor class, we had a prompt to paint to one of our favorite pieces of music.  I always liked this song and have heard it sung by Bobby Darin, Kevin Spacey and Michael Buble.  So I connected to the children's book illustrator in me, and had a ball creating a very fanciful, underwater scene.  Somewhere...beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for me......

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Clarity of the Soul

Well, I finally finished another 2 page  spread in my latest illustrated art journal.  It seemed to take forever.  After I sketched out my design on tracing paper, I cut out sections of the paper so that I could lay them over pieces of fabric. Cutting out some of these swirls from fabric was a bit challenging at times, but it mostly worked.  I used gold,dimensional fabric paint to stop the edges from fraying.  I really enjoy using fabric and I want to learn how to utilize it in journaling with a bit more finesse.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Morning at its Best!

Who can resist a gorgeous pot of flowers, a cup of fine coffee and a cool fresh breeze on a Sunday morning?  Truly some of life's gifts and I appreciate every one of them!  Thank goodness for my camera that keeps me able to blog while I get my studio cleaned up.  I am almost ready to start   journaling again in my art books and I am excited at the prospect and a bit intimidated too.  My creative juices need to be jump started and I am wondering how to do that???

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cotton Candy Peony

Couldn't resist getting close up and personal with this gorgeous bloom.  This is going as number one in my Gratitude journal today!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tea in the Afternoon

Last Sunday, while touring gardens in a very nice neighborhood, I came upon this creamy white pitcher filled with a colorful bouquet.  The table was set for 6, laid out with ice tea and lemon scones.  Quite inviting!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I've Got A Feeling

New Life. New beginnings. Here it is Easter Sunday and I felt compelled to work on another 2-page spread in my art journal.

Watercolor, colored pencils, pen and ink and a few embellishments.

Art by Chris

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Shapes and textures galore!

While in Wisconsin last week,
I attended an event call Art In Bloom
at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

This close up was just a small section
of one of their floral arrangements.

Each arrangement was created by a
Milwaukee florist and had to be inspired by one of the paintings in the museum.
Very cool idea!

Art in Bloom

An " O'Keefe" close up of my favorite flower,
the tulip of course!
Amazing color tones and
beautiful petal formations.
What else can I say?

Photo taken by Chris Miller at the Art In Bloom exhibit in Milwaukee.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Eyes Wide Open

I was lucky to happen upon this flowering tree as I was returning from my power walk.
The petals are very velvety
and this particular bloom was beckoning.
I loved getting as close as possible just to feel the energy of this tree.
It was emitting lots of good vibes ; )

Monday, March 5, 2012

Zentangle away!

I couldn't resist doing another Zentangle. It combines my love of doodling and getting lost in the process of making art.
Actually, it makes me quite happy!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Spring blossoms!

Even though it is not officially spring, there are many flowering trees
appearing here in Sacramento. I found these pink beauties
while I was on a walk
along the river yesterday.

Coming from Wisconsin, I never take this weather for granted.

I am lucky indeed!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fun with Zentangles!

While taking an art journaling class on line, one of the participants did a Zentangle for her daily page. I was immediately attracted to the doodling format and knew I had to try one. She gave me a link to find out more about this type of art and I discovered a whole new world out there! Here is a link for anyone interested:

Wise Words

I've been participating in an online watercolor class entitled " 21 Days in February". It was basically painting a page a day in a watercolor journal. This page was on the 20th day and the prompt was "Wise Words". I found this quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson quite inspiring. And here is a link to my inspiring teacher's website: